Hello there! Well with all the excitement about my radio interview (thank you so much for your lovely comments) - I almost forgot to tell you that we had a wee (much needed) trip away last week. Our plans to travel up to Scotland had to change at the last minute due to Mark's first hand experience of the much reported 'swine flu' (he is fine now and unbelievably I managed to stay completely clear of it despite the media reports).
Anyhow, he managed to recover just in time for us to take a couple of days away for some fresh air and relaxation. Now I should perhaps mention here, that my dear sweetheart in all the time that I have known him, has never really been that excited about the thought of 'sleeping on the ground with little more than a piece of fabric protecting him from the elements' (as he would say). I, however love, love, love camping (can I really express how much I love camping?) but had not had the joy of going away since I met my future hubby.
I love the whole experience of it - the packing the car, the driving to who knows where, the 'will it won't it rain/blow a gale/flood the tent uncertainty, the fresh air and well, really just the whole shebang. So really you could have blown me over with a feather when the still slightly grey and shivering man agreed to camp out in unpredictable conditions with nothing more than a 'borrowed' sheet of fabric between him and the looming dark clouds.
So off we trotted to Robin Hood's Bay near Whitby in Yorkshire - a new place for me and an absolute treasure. The front door to our temporary home opened out to the view you see below and a ten minute walk found us visiting the most quaint, delightful village with eccentric little houses piled up on top of each other on the hill. Doorways that have stood there since the year 1630 as the sign about the door said in the photo above. Infact I found myself slightly obsessed with photographing all thd quirky little doorways and lanterns and steps to 'who knows where' and the sky and the sea and the space and distance inbetween.
You can see a few more photos here although I have not managed to upload all of them yet - so much inspiration and lovely memories of our couple of days away. I have a feeling some of these images may be appearing in new work very soon.
Oh, and yes it did rain, oh boy did it rain. Torrential rain and lashing winds the first night, relentless downpour the day we were in Whitby walking about like the proverbial 'drowned rats' in our waterproofs and sandals (ever hopeful that some sun would appear to warrant the clothing which expects all weathers). My lovely man could not resist a few half-hearted complaints, but deep down I knew that he was just as grateful to be away, somewhere different, somewhere new with nothing else to think about other than finding a tea shop in which to sit in sodden clothes and chat about this and that and gaze out at the coast and the dark clouds. The second day (of course the day we were leaving) was brighter and sunnier and more pleasant for wandering and discovering strange little quirky characteristics that make up this lovely little village.
Oh and would you like to know what our first priority was on our return? Before we had even finished unpacking and dried out the tent...............yep we bought one of our very own. Slightly bigger, slightly sturdier (we hope) and with standing room, so that the next time we go away to a rainy spot, to make a temporary home from home, we can set up chairs and a table, gaze out at the pouring rain, play cards, chat about this and that and make our very own cups of tea.
ahh, we have stayed in this campsite a few years ago, its gorgeous!! Sounds like you had a fab time!! We are thinking of going this weekend, but not sure if i can do the 'first time camping without the dog' just yet!! Will wait to see the forecast before we decide x
Posted by: sue | 07 August 2009 at 12:02 AM
How lucky and what a great choice of surroundings.
Posted by: Constanza | 14 August 2009 at 05:34 AM