Sites of Wonder

The things my heart desires


    This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from gilfling. Make your own badge here.

The Pledge

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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I enjoyed catching up on your blog, I will have a nice browse of the flicker group thanks.

Michala (kayla coo)

This is such a wonderful shade of pink like old fashioned roses and the gold as the roses fade.


Looks like a great Flickr group. I love finding inspiration and finding out later where it really came from!
The colours and textures here are so beautiful.


I just requested to join the flickr group and sent a truly demented message with my request as I realised I was logged in under one of my flickr accounts, when the other one would make more sense as it's my art account. And lo and behold here I am leaving another demented message...

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