ok so yes, whilst I was supposed to be working/packing boxes/tidying and generally just doing something 'productive' ............I decided to have a wee look through some old photos. After finding this photo of a felted scarf I made last christmas and then flicking through to some photos I took whilst visiting family at 'home' last summer of some rocks on the harbour, I could not believe the similarity in colours and textures (scarf is main photo, rocks are top right)
This led me to thinking about the common threads and themes that run through my work - those that are immediately apparent and those that I may not even discover until a long time after they are created. Intrigued by other artist's experiences of this I have created this flickr group - my very first one and I have been overwhelmed by the response and the input already - check it out and join if you feel inspired or are curious about the workings of an artistic mind or if you need some new inspiration!! (oh and it only took me about 25 minutes to come up with a name for the group after alot of writing of random words and phrases - I dread to think how many boxes I could have packed in that time)
Right so back to that packing...................................
(ps - please excuse my terrible grammar and typo's at the moment - my last few posts have been embarassingly bad in that department - I don't know why!!)
I enjoyed catching up on your blog, I will have a nice browse of the flicker group thanks.
Posted by: juliet | 10 June 2009 at 09:21 PM
This is such a wonderful shade of pink like old fashioned roses and the gold as the roses fade.
Posted by: Michala (kayla coo) | 10 June 2009 at 09:47 PM
Looks like a great Flickr group. I love finding inspiration and finding out later where it really came from!
The colours and textures here are so beautiful.
Posted by: Silvermoss | 11 June 2009 at 09:40 AM
I just requested to join the flickr group and sent a truly demented message with my request as I realised I was logged in under one of my flickr accounts, when the other one would make more sense as it's my art account. And lo and behold here I am leaving another demented message...
Posted by: Camilla | 11 June 2009 at 07:36 PM