Hello! Well today I am beside myself with excitement as...................
we are moving house!! Ok so not for another month yet, and of course we have to go through the absolute trauma of packing and actually moving but at this point I don't care about all that, I am just excited!
It is a new build which as anyone who knows me.... knows.... I am more a lover of old buildings full of character and victorian fireplaces and lots of wood and bumpy, marked walls which show their age and the remnants of their past inhabitants....uhm yep just like the house we are in now infact. But....... this house new house will be a real step forward for us in eventually owning our own home so it is the perfect time. There are so many other bonuses too!! Three storeys which means I get the room at the top all to myself (this space is huge in comparison to my workroom right now) and it has stairs to it!!! Right now I am climbing ladders to my workspace and have had a few bad falls down them trying to carry too much so this is a real blessing.
Also I will be giving up my painting studio and combing both workspaces which I am over the moon about. Right now I don't have room in either space for everything but I have been far from clever about using my painting studio lately so really this is a dream for me.
We will have a small garden and a kitchen which is a decent size for actually cooking, also room to entertain and have friends over which has been difficult up till now. I love the house we are in at the moment, it's character and quirks and charm and painted walls and tiny overgrown garden and will miss it, but really this is a huge step for us. I just want to be there already!! I can't wait to get in and see how everything will fit and to really enjoy having lots of space to work in and feel newly inspired - I will make sure to take photos of it as we go.
Unfortunately we can't decorate for at least a year so it is 'magnolia city' but I am looking forward to the challenge of making it 'our own' on an extremely limited budget (when I say limited, what I really mean is non-existent). Also with the potential that someday in the near future it could actually be 'ours' rather than just 'somebody else's' I am inspired to put our stamp on it with furnishings and accessories - so any advice, hints and tips will be much appreciated! I do have plans to make as much as I can myself, such as curtains and cushion covers which will really be a first for me but it is time that I worked on some things for us and not just for 'work'. Unfortunately things like fridge/freezer and washing machine have to take priority in our list of purchases but we are off to the auctions this weekend, not to buy, but just to look to see what kind of things are available and then will hopefully go back once we are actually in our new home.
Can you tell I am having trouble sleeping by the amount of exclamation marks I am using at the moment!!!!!
Oh and the above picture is not our new 'home to be' (whew!) but one of a few photos I took whilst visiting my family last month - some of them were the inspiration for Gwenda's story.
Oh! How wonderful!! I am so happy for you...it'll be so amazing. And what's a little magnolia between friends, when you've a house with a studio of your own.
Good luck in your new home. :)
Posted by: Su | 21 May 2009 at 08:35 PM
What an exciting time.
Good luck with your move and I recommend car boot sales and ebay for finding great furnishings on a budget.x
Posted by: Michala (kayla coo) | 21 May 2009 at 08:49 PM
Oh, Congratulations Gillian. Must be so exciting!!!!! I join in your exuberance with exclamation points of my own!!!!! ;-)
The Magnolia's reference must be a BBC or other Brit only thing, but living on the cheap can also mean living in the lap of luxury. Just depends on your vision and your frame of view.
I'd love to see a pic of the new house. You know we'll all chime in with ideas galore.
Posted by: Lora Hart | 23 May 2009 at 02:01 AM
Ah, the cursed magnolia! I am so pleased that that you are getting nearer to 'a room of one's own' and it sounds intriguing and wonderful. :)
Posted by: PG | 29 May 2009 at 08:19 PM
Congrats on the new house! A year is a mere moment in time....and you will be thriftily decorating soon!
Posted by: waterrose | 10 June 2009 at 04:28 AM