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Oh! How wonderful!! I am so happy for'll be so amazing. And what's a little magnolia between friends, when you've a house with a studio of your own.
Good luck in your new home. :)

Michala (kayla coo)

What an exciting time.
Good luck with your move and I recommend car boot sales and ebay for finding great furnishings on a budget.x

Lora Hart

Oh, Congratulations Gillian. Must be so exciting!!!!! I join in your exuberance with exclamation points of my own!!!!! ;-)

The Magnolia's reference must be a BBC or other Brit only thing, but living on the cheap can also mean living in the lap of luxury. Just depends on your vision and your frame of view.

I'd love to see a pic of the new house. You know we'll all chime in with ideas galore.


Ah, the cursed magnolia! I am so pleased that that you are getting nearer to 'a room of one's own' and it sounds intriguing and wonderful. :)


Congrats on the new house! A year is a mere moment in time....and you will be thriftily decorating soon!

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