Sites of Wonder

The things my heart desires


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The Pledge

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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her work is so amazing...I adore her shop.
Great feature!


Gil...lovely words and I loved reading what is written on the pages. If you were using blogger I could tell you how to format the page the way you want....but alas...I'm not familiar with typepad.


Gillian, that was a wonderful interview you did with Waterrose! I especially enjoyed your discussion of working through creative blocks and your Haiku--something that I am working on developing right now.

Thank you for your comments on my blog--I've enjoyed reading yours also and following the progression of the costumes, etc. Like you, not always time to comment, but I have been here.


What a fabulous interview - and such questions! I love your journal pages too. Coming to your blog somehow makes me stop, slow down and become more introspective. It's so easy to get caught up in the panic and mania of 'producing' that I forget where I'm coming from, where I'm going and what my intentions are. Thank you for helping to get me re-focused!


Gillian....each page of your journal is an amazing work of art all on it's own, you could sell each page!!!

you are breathtaking!

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More than a hint of Baroque