Sites of Wonder

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The Pledge

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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I am so happy to hear the costumes were beautiful, you should be so proud!!!!! How much longer will you be teaching?

miss you


You deserve a well earned rest and some serious 'Me Time'. And I am sooo looking forward to the pictures. Thank you for mentioning Lily, and the links :)There is a Lily shaped gap in my own studio where she used to hang, but so pleased she is now hanging in yours. (I know what you mean about the weather, so dreary).


It's good to read that your production went of well! I love your newest addition and will be off to read another blog soon! One Solitary Moment is stunning! Looks like a woman who knows her own mind...


Lily Laguna is gorgeous and a wonderful addition to your studio! Gretel's needlefelting creations are beautiful.

I think your flowers look great - tulips and anemones are always pretty (and your photographs are fine!)

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