The show is now over! The costumes are away to their new homes and my little loft space looks a little less blue and a little tidier than a few days ago. This week so far has been a time of starting and not quite completing little jobs, boring admin, resting my achy back, neck and shoulders after a frantic sewing session lasting into the wee hours of saturday morning and then most of the day before the actual performance.
Here are the flowers I was given on the night of the performance as well as the programme - please excuse the photographs - my skills at photography are only marginally worse than my flower arranging skills - for someone who is always creating - I am constantly suprised by my lack of ability to take a decent photograph!
But now it is done. The performance was wonderful - the costumes looked just how I had imagined. In a way it was hard to visualise them on the mannequin - with their bright colours, dull, woolly cobweb felt texture - however I had hoped that on the stage they would come to life. The lights would hit them, the silks would shine an ethereal glow, the colours would dull to a haze reminscant of our planets and that they would look like little worlds far away in our night sky. And that is - I hope, how they did look. Today I am hoping to see some of the professional photographs from the evening and will show them here as soon as I can.
Even on the evening I could help but wish I had had more time to design, more time to sew these panels into wonderful shapes. In the end it had to be kept simple and there was only so much could be done in the short time we had, but now it is over and I can now move onto my own sadly neglected work. I have so many ongoing, unfinished works in progress. Half baked ideas waiting to be brought to life, a list of projects as long as my own (quite short) arm. Teaching today, tomorrow and Saturday I am impatiently looking forward to Sunday when I can take my coffee up to the loft space and work at my table and hopefully finish some of these wee projects that are sitting there, half felted and half sewn, just waiting for the finishing touches to make them complete.
I have not been to the painting studio in so long but really want to have at least a couple of days to get down there and get used to the space again, and my own way of working. So that will wait till next week - until then I shall dream and write and sketch, flexing the muscles of my imagination in preparation for 2 full days of uninterrupted painting.
(photograph 'borrowed' from the RFE shop - I hope you don't mind Gretel - it has been dull as dishwater here and I just couldn't get a decent photo!)
I have to finish by showing a new addition to our household. Lily Laguna came to join us yesterday via the wonderful place that is The Red Flannel Elephant address known as Middle of Nowhere ( a most delightful blog if ever there was one). After deciding that I needed a wee companion to while away the hours with in my loft space, Lily seemed like the perfect soulmate and she is now very much at home. I very rarely treat myself to goodies of any sort really but as these wonderful characters are never around for long in the lovely shop created by the even lovelier Gretel I just had to snap her up. And here she is just recovering from her journey along with some gorgeous cards which were included in the parcel (Thank you so so much!) - Yep again it is a terrible photo but you get the picture!
Okay off to prepare for my class - but just before I go I have added a couple of new wonderful professionally printed giclees to my very own Gilfling's Shop. One of my very favourite pieces - Isobel's Dream of Life and Light (I have got to do some more work with that wonderful sublime green) and One Solitary Moment - both atmospheric pieces. Infact Isobel might just be finding her way into a frame to adorn my very own wall I adore her so much.
Wishing you a wonderful end to your week wherever you may be! x
I am so happy to hear the costumes were beautiful, you should be so proud!!!!! How much longer will you be teaching?
miss you
Posted by: Stilettoheights(jenn) | 18 April 2008 at 03:05 PM
You deserve a well earned rest and some serious 'Me Time'. And I am sooo looking forward to the pictures. Thank you for mentioning Lily, and the links :)There is a Lily shaped gap in my own studio where she used to hang, but so pleased she is now hanging in yours. (I know what you mean about the weather, so dreary).
Posted by: PG | 18 April 2008 at 08:58 PM
It's good to read that your production went of well! I love your newest addition and will be off to read another blog soon! One Solitary Moment is stunning! Looks like a woman who knows her own mind...
Posted by: waterrose | 19 April 2008 at 12:30 AM
Lily Laguna is gorgeous and a wonderful addition to your studio! Gretel's needlefelting creations are beautiful.
I think your flowers look great - tulips and anemones are always pretty (and your photographs are fine!)
Posted by: kate | 28 April 2008 at 11:39 PM