Edit: How very bizarre - this post which I added on Wednesday seems to be resistant to the idea of being published in my blog! Let's see if this works.......
Hellooo wednesday!! Umm - why are your here already? Are you sure you are not 'Monday' just dressed up to confuse me?????
Well it was all a bit exciting in ye olde england last night - an earthquake would you believe! Ok so probably just a tiddly one compared to some parts of the world but who would have thought it - we don't have those in Scotland you know - at least not as far as I am aware! It certainly scared the life out of Mark and I as we were both in the land of nod - but I don't think there has been much damage or injury caused to the country thank goodness.
Just a quickie as I am off out but thought I would post a titbit or two of a few things I am working on (sorry for the dark photos - I left it a bit late to capture these) - hopefully all will be revealed some time next week. This teaching feltmaking has certainly put me in the mood for doing some feltmaking. I still don't have any photo's from my classes as I am usually too busy to remember to take them - my camera is always with me, I just forget to use it! Also as they are both community groups I just need to check out if I can actually take photos and use them.
Anyhow I shall leave you with a wee bit of plum love! We did have the most glorious cherry pie when we had Mark's parents visiting at the weekend but that is long gone with not even a crumb to be seen. If you are a resident of the UK and you ever see any kind of pie made by The Lime Tree Pantry do not even blink or hesitate before snatching it up as you will not be disappointed. The pastry is heaven and I can particularly recommend the rhubarb or cherry version. We are lucky in that our local farm shop (an occassional treat in itself) sells them but there may be a few more scattered over the country!
Hope you are having a wonderful week!
Earthquakes are not the norm in New York either, but I do remember one many years ago that was strong enough to bounce the bed up and down several times! But, weak enough not to do any damage, thank goodness!
Cherry pie is my absolute favorite-we had one on Valentine's Day, but I bet it wasn't as good as the one you described!
Posted by: Craftymoose | 29 February 2008 at 03:45 PM
Here in the canadian praries, i doubt we've ever had a single earthquake. I can see how one would be quite scary. That is one experience i am happy to never have had.
Your felt looks so beautiful! Any plans for what to do with it yet?
Posted by: Dale | 01 March 2008 at 09:01 PM