Sites of Wonder

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The Pledge

  • I Took The Handmade Pledge!

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I have just the exact opposite going on at the moment! I have so many ideas in my head, and no time to get them all out.

My workspace was cluttered with five started projects and no room for more. I started chipping away at them to make room to start new ones!

The photos are lovely...the one with the bridge could easily be in the town where I grew up!

Can't wait to see the leather armour!


Such an interesting post, as I am fascinated by creative processes and how other people work through their ideas etc... I feel creativity does work in cycles and all artists need their quiet times, and times to let ideas germinate. Stress can help or hinder, depends on the person. Your loft sounds like the right place to be, and I can imagine it will be a cosy den in the winter months. Hope you have a good week. Cathy

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