And so it begins.........
the start of a new week (I am trying to ignore the fact that it is Tuesday already) and dare I say it the start of a new episode in my life? I am trying to not be too excited about this but the decision has been made. Of course this is only a test run and who knows how it will all really go but I do feel as if a weight has been lifted.
Mark and I talked about it at length over the weekend and we have decided that after the absolutely wonderful things that have been happening in my etsy shop over the last couple of weeks (is it crazy to make all these decisions based on 2 weeks??) that I am really going to focus on my artwork. Yes once my back is doing better I will still be pursuing costume work and yes of course I am continuing with the workshops I teach but the focus will have changed. Around Christmas time I had been considering taking on a part time job but recently this had been impossible. Now my 'part-time' work will be art - (full time at the moment).
I am nervous and excited all at once. It seems such a big deal (to me). It also seems very strange to have to think about the financial implications of it. But I have to remind myself that ultimately I believe this is what my life (destiny, life-path - am not exactly sure of the term to use) is telling me to do. For the moment. And who knows for how long. But I am determined that it will always be about the things I love, the things that are inside me, wanting to be expressed. I just have the opportunity to share that. Whether or not anyone wants to share it with me and own any of my 'thoughts and expressions' in the form of art on paper or canvas is a whole other thing of course - but I guess time will tell!!
So as much as I have wanted to immediately get down to work and as itchy as my hands have been to express my idea's I have had to get some of the practical stuff out of the way first. Like parcelling up all the things I sold last week. How did I not know that this would take so long!! Not to mention how physically demanding I found it, along with the trip to the post office. Then I had to think about the fact that as I get all my mailing stuff locally and only in small quantities, it actually costs me a fortune and I will bankrupt myself in no time unless I bit the bullet and do a bulk order of mailing supplies. Which I did. Then there was the trip to the art store which I decided to reward myself with for deciding to do this!! Okay - this was not entirely necessary but absolutely wonderful nonetheless. Sketchbooks and new watercolours to complete my set, canvas boards, brushes - it was a treat indeed.
I have been pondering the question of whether to do limited edition prints of my work for a while. I have always shyed away from it as my dad jokes that I would be 'selling out'. (I spoke to my dad over the weekend and he is over the moon that I am giving this a shot!! He always wanted me to become an artist and has been so supportive over the years of everything I have done.) But it did always make me think about it.
But the decision has been made and again I have just decided to try the art print thing on for size. There are a few reasons for this. The first being that I actually work incredibly slowly and I am only ever truly happy with a fraction of the things I make. Everything I do is like a process and I have to draw alot of rubbish and struggle through alot of pieces before I feel I have got there with a piece. I know that feeling when my hands have followed through from my head and my heart. And it doesn't happen all the time. So prints will enable me to feel I am only having to make the most successful pieces public. I also know that if I could, my house would be filled with art. (if we didn't live in a rented apartment in which we can't hang more than a couple of pictures that is.....and also if my bank account would allow it.) I want to work on some bigger pieces but I also would love it if these could be accessable to anyone who felt that they meant anything to them. Maybe they won't, but I think I will give it a try anyway. I know that I can't afford all the original artwork that I would want and I guess I just want to put my work out there and for anyone who is touched by it to be able to afford it. Gosh I hope that doesn't sound arrogant - it is certainly not meant in that way.
The 2 pieces here you may have seen before. I have blogged about them previously. Vivid Dreams (above)from this post where i wrote a bit about the inspiration for it -
I have always loved the idea of angels and they feature frequently in my thoughts and in my art. I also am inspired by art from bygone eras; classical, romantic, filled with power and emotion. The ideas, textures and colours in my art come from somewhere inside me, they are almost always as if from ancient times, long lost but always a part of me. Maybe I am an old soul.
My other inspirations come from old architecture, sea creatures and fossils and this piece features both, the sea horse machine stitched as a subtle shadow of a dream into the watercolour paper.
and Waiting for the Waves from this post where I wrote
This illustration is my personal response to times of heartache, tragedy and fear that so many of us have and will suffer from in our lifetime. Although I cannot claim to have been through anything anywhere near as traumatic as the Asian Tsunami, there have been times in my life where I have hoped there is a presence with me, in whatever form you or I choose to believe that would take. They may be just watching and understanding but they are with you. Although tinged with sadness and longing, it is ultimately comforting.
These two pieces were in my shop forever! I could never quite understand why! I think they are the pieces that are closest to my heart, the most honest and expressive work I have done - so I decided that the reason that they didn't sell is because I was meant to keep them. I always knew if they sold I would have been heartbroken in a way! So I have decided to make them prints so that they can get the best of both worlds - still be close to me and my heart but there for anyone who gets the meaning of them.
I mentioned in my last blog post that I am doing a give-away. I have trully been so grateful, touched and inspired by all your comments and encouragement and I don't always get the chance to reply to them, or to comment on all your blogs, but it really means alot. So I have decided that for the give away that the 'winner' will get to choose one of the prints above. All you need to do is comment in my blog this week (this runs from last friday till this friday coming) and I will put all the names in a 'hat', draw the name on Sunday and announce the recipiant on Monday. So the prints are ordered and as soon as they arrive one will be in the post to someone who reads this!!
Right I was going to write more but I really should get back to work - sketching and dreaming, turning the pages of my many inspiration files and perhaps I shall even have new work for my shop as it is looking distinctly empty and unloved at the moment!! Oh and did I mention that I have separated out my accessories from my artwork and opened another etsy shop here? Well I have - it is called Gilfling's Designs and will be the new home for all my accessories, knitted cuffs, corsages etc.
Till next time!!
Oh Gillian, I am so happy for you! And you sound very very well, very content and well, justwonderful!I love the print idea. It is always fun to have an option as a buyer. Especially id you do not get to purchase a fave item.... Go for it! You have tons of support!!!! xxo,V
Posted by: Vanessa V | 17 April 2007 at 11:36 PM
Oh, Good Luck! How exciting for you! I'm sure you will do well with both shops.
I love the print idea as well. I buy prints especially when I have missed getting the original, but mostly, when I buy for my daughter who adores art. But, to tell the truth, I don't quite trust her with originals unless they are Jenn's and in a case.
Whoever wins your drawing is going to be very lucky!
Posted by: aimee | 18 April 2007 at 01:47 AM
Gillian - I am so overwhelmingly happy for you that you are able to focus on your life's passion, your artwork. I am also very glad that you are going to take the plunge with limited edition prints because I definitely don't think it is selling out and will allow even more people to enjoy your artwork even if its not the original!
Best wishes 2 u ***sakura***
Posted by: sakurafubukidesigns | 18 April 2007 at 10:43 AM
your drawing are to die for very talented individual...keep doing it
Posted by: tricia | 18 April 2007 at 10:48 AM
Hello! I found your lovely blog from your comment on mine! : )
I,too, recently made the decision to focus on my art (rather than costuming- I do 18th and 19th century reproductions.) For a long time I was all about sewing and historic costume my life has been leading me more in the direction of my art and little sculptures and felted creatures....I take creativity where it comes, and am thankful for it! Your work is amazing! : ) Thanks for your kind comment on my blog, too!
Posted by: Marjorie | 18 April 2007 at 01:18 PM
woweeee....missy ur art and designs and corsets are just absolutely fabulous!!!!
u have such a beautiful blog...
a real inspiration, an insight into ur wonderful world...i love ur illustrations.
i love theatrical costumes and masks...
i must have visited u before- a while back.
so glad ive found u again- how delightfully grand to know such an amazingly tallented craft person as yourself....
i will be back again- how spectacular!!!!
x x x x kazzy x x x x
Posted by: kazzy | 18 April 2007 at 01:44 PM
I am so more than happy for you Gillian, you are a rare and vital talent....I have no fears for you, you will be fantastic.
will you be doing prints of your ghostly Baroque ladies? If you are...I need them to adorn my work space.
anyway, I love you, love you!!!
Posted by: stilettoheights | 18 April 2007 at 01:54 PM
Well done on making the brave decision to focus on your art - I'm sure you won't regret it, your work is beautiful! Also...creating art is fun.
askey x
Posted by: askey | 18 April 2007 at 01:56 PM
You sound so happy! I am so happy for you. Yes, a big decision but with all the support of your family & friends (and the Angels) you will do wonderfully! Good luck on this new journey!
Posted by: Craftymoose | 18 April 2007 at 02:09 PM
Hi Gillian! I definately remember you from the craft fair last year. I actually meant to send you an e-mail but as things go, I obviously forgot. I stumbled upon your shop entirely at random recently and honestly love your artworks - they're so beautiful. And as at the fair, I still love your corsages &c :) I hope that you do well as a full-time artist, I'm in awe of your decision. Good luck with it all!
Posted by: Anushka | 18 April 2007 at 06:37 PM
I for one am really really happy that you are choosing to go the 'art' route! Personally I prefer your origianals to prints, but then, maybe prints will broaden your market! How lucky you are to have your parents blessing - mine have never accepted me as an 'artist'... I can't wait to see what your new found inspriation will bring!!!
Posted by: Ulla | 19 April 2007 at 03:49 PM
I`m happy and excited for you---if you have peace in you---that is the way to go!!
I wish you success, blessings and joy
Posted by: Gypsy Purple-Chamara | 20 April 2007 at 03:45 AM
I'm very happy to discover your blog!! and your beautiful art, I think sometimes it's important not to think too much and just trust yourself ,If you have a lot of energy it will work!!
my art is my only job I took that risk and for the moment everything goes well, and when I just think of all my friends who aren't happy in their jobs I think i'm very lucky
Posted by: Laetitia | 20 April 2007 at 08:06 PM
How I love to read your writings! you write as well as you draw! you inspire me so~
have you read my blog about the "thinking award"!? pleaz pleaz know that I nominate you for the thinking award! along with other artists in my sidebar :)
am I too late to sign up for the giveaway?! oh my gosh, I would love to win one of your prints, oh so beautiuful~
xo!! ~Bella
Posted by: Izabella | 20 April 2007 at 09:27 PM