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I for one, can not wait to see this style of dress that is all your own. It sounds stunning. I know what you mean, of who have you become in dress attire. I myself am facing the same challenge. I find myself slightly unusual. In painting clothing and none of my cute stuff. My problem is that I am living at my loftishspace/studio and I do do not want to bring all my clothing here from my main home. In turn, I think me eating habits might have led to my lovely attire being, sadly, a bit snug. My girls seem bigger than normal. something i do not enjoy. Also, I know what you mean about movies. I detest and adore how they throw me up in the air and kick me around a little, in the emotional sense. You are so wonderful! I love your blog. Vanessa

stilettoheights you!!!

I love your blog, yes...I too was the skirts and dress girl, all the time, even when working at a tiny place where no one would see me.

when I moved to where I am appeared as though I was always dressed way up, and it became easier and easier to dress down, I wear jeans all the time now.

It is not good for me, lol.

though still in summer I do not wear shorts or capris, I am always in skirts and sandals.

though I am determined even while painting away all day, that I must still care about how I look...even if my loveliest of clothes are a bit tight on me too....

I must stop eating so many sweet cakes!


See, I am not the skirts and dresses sort of girl though I have a longing to be one. There just never seem to be any that are me. I envy you for being that kind of girl.

I think your picture of your belt, which I love, is perfect. It is a great pic! I think you have a great sense of photography.


Vanessa I think it only looks that good in my head! though I do love my petticoats, the funniest thing is when elderly ladies stop me in queues to tell my slip is hanging down, I don't have the heart to tell them that is how I wear them!

Jenn, you are so right, it is easy to become comfortable, especially when I have a man who tells me I look good no matter what (I love him for that but it doesn't help when I need a reason to dress up!!)

Aimee, thanks for your comments about the photos, I just find it hard to get the 'atmosphere' I want, Lorimarsha is great at her garment photos and I would love to get that 'essence'

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